Wellcare Hierarchy Change

Wellcare Hierarchy Change

Wellcare Hierarchy Change Instructions:

1) Login to the Wellcare/Centene portal (Portal URL: https://desktop.pingone.com/cnc-workbench-brk).

2) Under the "My Account" section, select "My Hierarchy Info" (your current upline should be the top listing) and click on the "Change" button:

3) A popup will open and under "Producer Type of Hierarchy Management", you will make the following selections:

Sub Type Options: "Perform an Upline or Payment Change"
Upline Options: "Request To Leave My Current Upline and Join a New One"
Will You Be Receiving Your Commissions... : "I Will Get Paid My Commissions"

Where it says "Next Upline", click the "Search" button (it will not allow you to type into the field, so you must select "Search" first). 

4) In the popup, type in Life Professionals Senior Solutions and select "Search":

5) Click "Select" next to Life Professionals Senior Solutions:

6) The popup will close and you can select "Update":

7)  You'll see a popup where you will select "Submit Request":

You'll be all set once you do this and it will send Life Professionals Senior Solutions a request to accept the submission and new hierarchy alignment.